
Showtime on Ice event promotional graphic.

We abide by and adhere to all USFS SkateSafe and the U.S. Center for SafeSport regulations, guidelines, and protocols. The SafeSport certification is free and doesn’t take long to complete.

If you have already completed the SafeSport certification and background check, you can upload your documents – Link Coming Soon.

ADULT VOLUNTEERS – If you are a parent/adult volunteer, aged 18 or over, that will be assisting in Holding Rooms, Backstage, Running, Floating, Wigs/Tiaras/Hat, Costumes, and any other areas noted on the volunteer sign ups, you must complete the SafeSport training and a background check. SafeSport is free and the background check is a nominal fee. Please be aware that all fees are the responsibility of the volunteer.

*NEW* this year – If you are volunteering in a position that requires a background check, SOI will reimburse you for the cost of the background check. Must submit receipt/proof through our forms system (link coming soon).

SKATERS – All skaters that are or will turn 18 years old during the show season (March – April 2025) must complete the SafeSport certification course. These must be completed and submitted before the first rehearsal on March 22, 2025.

SafeSport and SkateSafe Documents


SafeSport Information – If you need to complete SafeSport training and a background check, or retrieve previous certificates and cards, please use the links below. Volunteers are advised to go through existing USFS Member accounts or to create new USFS Non Member accounts to launch both SafeSport training and the background check process from there.

If you have completed your SafeSport and Background check, please upload them below.

Please do not attempt to initiate the background check process by going to the NCSI directly. The 8-digit code required to complete the process automatically generates when the background report is initiated through a USFS member’s profile. For more information, please click HERE

Some of the individual technical issues or questions that may arise during the Safe Sport training and background check process may be better addressed by U.S. Figure Skating SkateSafe Compliance specialists. For help completing the entire process, please contact SkateSafe HERE.


Please click the links below to read more about SkateSafe, a United States Figure Skating (USFS) protocol, and the USFS policy on gender identity.